Selasa, 31 Maret 2015



II.                TENSE

1.      Simple Present Tense is the one which we use when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly (or unceasingly, which is why it’s sometimes called present indefinite). Examples :
a.       She likes eating out
b.      The children are naughty

2.      Simple Past Tense is used to talk about finished actions that happened at a specific time in the pastExamples :
a.       I was a stamp collector
b.      The teacher came

3.      Simple Future Tense is used to refer to actions that will take place after the act of speaking or writing. Examples :
a.       You will win
b.      They are going to come

4.      Pronoun is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence. Pronouns are used so that our language is not cumbersome with the same nouns being repeated over and over in a paragraph. Examples :
a.       This
b.      She

5.      Singular Noun is a noun that refers to only one person, one place, one thing, or one idea  Examples :
a.       Book
b.      Car

6.      Plural Noun  is a word that indicates that there is more than one person, animal,  place, thing, or idea. Examples :
a.       Books
b.      Cars


Bahasa inggris II

Last holiday, I went to Bandung City with I father, I mother, and I brother. Bandung City for my family is favorite place for holiday. Apart from location for holiday, in Bandung City also famous for shopping and many place for a delicious culinary.My families holiday in Bandung City for three days. During our holiday in Bandung City, we stayed with my cousin, at the Ciumbuleuit street in Bandung City. They were very nice to my family. His name uncle Jajang, my uncle and her name aunt Evi, my aunt, also three shy children, Defani, Vidya, and Zalva.
On the first day I and my family went to culinary tour at Dago street. There were a lot of culinary. Ranging from Sunda culinary up to Europe culinary. All culinary very delicious.On the second day, I and my family went for shopping. Bandung City famous for shopping places. One of the famous for shopping places for shopping. I and my family buy clothes. Such as shirts, pants, jackets, and some accessories.
On the last day, I and my family went for a refreshing to Bandung zoo. At the Bandung zoo, there were many types of animals. From species of birds, including the Peacock can be seen at London zoo, other than that there were animals Bears, Dragons, Elephants, Tigers, Deer, Camels, Zebras, and Primates including Siamang.
During of holidays there i am very happy , because to find something new and phenomena new and i hope. i can vacation with a family At night in a zoo very beautiful again next time at zoo

NOTES    :
Blue → Subject
Red → Verbs
Purple → Complement
Green → Modifiers